Lux was my heart dog and my best friend. She loved to play hard and compete in agility and nose work. She also loved to swim and play with and eat lemons. Lux thought she was a lap dog and loved having her belly rubbed.
Lux was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on March 11, 2018 she had limb sparing surgery, chemo and radiation but lost her battle on July 11, 2018. She is now part of the new documentary- My Friend: Standing Strong, a full-length feature on canine osteosarcoma, that will will be out October 2018. CLEAR (CLEAR is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of canine cancer)
Sky Ranch’s Lady Lux Zelden of Bally Vaughan is truly missed... (CGC, RN, SWN, TKA, DDN)
Robyn Z. September 2018

I was lucky enough to be able to work with our neighbor's puppy Bella when she was only eight months old. A beautiful young girl, Bella was super sweet and quick to learn. We would work on our class exercises together and she would come home to take a swim in the family pool (her favorite thing to do.) When I would come by to pick her up for training, Bella was always waiting patiently at the gate to greet me. What a joyful sight it always was.
Bella moved to Colorado with her family last year. I was sad to see her (and her family) go, but I knew she was having a grand time romping in the snow and playing in the ponds.
Just last month I learned that Bella had suddenly taken ill. At only four years old it was discovered that she had a cancerous tumor on her kidney. She did not make it off of the operating table; a terribly sad loss for her family, and her canine sister Sadie.
We will all miss Bella's exuberance, spunk, that wiggling rear end and most of all, her kind eyes and beautiful her sweet face.

In Memoriam
It is with heavy hearts that we tell you our mentor and friend, Dany Canino passed away on January 11, 2020. She was a great trainer and breeder. Dany spent the last of her working life judging at dog shows and teaching obedience classes.
Jennifer and I worked with Dany for many years before she retired in 2011. She taught us so much, and we will be forever grateful that she set us on this path to helping all of you with your dog training plans.
We are sure she will be looking down on us and sharing a laugh as we deal with our comical puppy clients.
Rest in Peace dear friend...
Cindy and Jennifer

Dear Jennifer and Cindy,
Most recently I have been “reflecting” on my time with you. Training Connor then Sully with you two, was such a rewarding time. I believe Connor and I were in the first class when you started, Time for Obedience. Beyond fortunate, I found you two -Time for Obedience. Never could I have imagined my dogs could be so well behaved, a joy to all who meet them. To me, the most impressive words you helped me teach our dogs; OUT and WAIT. Both dogs have been off leash and spotted a rabbit, squirrel, or cat. Who knew…. a dog, my dogs, would stop a natural instinctive pursuit of prey, because he was taught the word “out”, and what it meant. Amazing, many times after I used “out “ or “wait”, I would smile and think of my time with you guys, I’m sentimental like that….
Reflecting, because we lost our Connor to lymphoma. So important, you know how much your dedication to training dogs means to me. A life long gift.💞Also, just as important, the pictures you took of Connor and I (the second time Connor and I took your class, just for fun) ….I will TREASURE forever…..such a gift…..Thank-you,️ 💞Thank-you💞
As all our pets, we know, their time is short on this earth. They are all special to us with their unique personality. However, Connor owned me…. He came to our family just after my Mom passed, and my fibromyalgia was at it’s worst. He was connected to my emotions like no other. Because of this special relationship, the pictures you took at our last class, are beyond special…
So grateful for you and Cindy.
With love and appreciation,