Novice Obedience Courses
Time 4 Obedience offers a structured ten-week NOVICE OBEDIENCE COURSE which teaches YOU how to train your dog to heel off-leash in just ten weeks. Exercises in this course include heel, sit, down, and stand-stay, and a recall (come when called). A group course taught in a public setting (such as a park) will help your dog learn to work and obey in the presence of distractions such as sights, sounds, smells, movements, and other class dogs and handlers. Please note: The homework in this course averages an hour per day of training. Please check our Registration tab for class dates, times, and locations.
Puppy Privates
Have a new puppy? We can help you get started down the right path, starting from the time your puppy becomes a part of the family. We teach you how to encourage the behaviors you want from your puppy from the very beginning. This is critical for you as a dog owner, as we firmly believe it is always easier to “train it right” from the beginning than it is to manage bad habits that have already become established.
Advanced Novice Training
We offer an 8-week Advanced Novice course that focuses on polishing up heeling and handling, adding a drop on recall to your regime, and making your sits, downs, and stays even more solid by using heavier distractions. This includes teaching your dog to hold their stays while you are out of sight.

If you are experiencing difficulty with your dog, an evaluation lesson can be helpful. There are times when we must develop an individual training plan to help you reach your goals. Depending on the dog and handler team, we may determine it is better to start with private lessons so that we are able to give you and your dog the right start prior to coming into a group course.
Private Lessons
We offer both in-home and on-site private lessons. We look forward to working with you and your dog and helping you meet your training goals, be it competition obedience, therapy work, Canine Good Citizen certification, Companion Dog certification, advanced work, or simply owning a dog that won’t drag you down the street on a walk, or jump on your guests.
Additional Training Courses & Services
Each year we offer courses for those students who would like to move forward with their training. These courses are open to students who have completed our 10-Week Novice Obedience course and include Rally, Canine Good Citizen Prep, Advanced Novice, and Open Obedience. These courses add new skills to your dog’s training base and further improve your handling techniques. More importantly, additional training further strengthens the bond you have built with your dog. Further training can also instill confidence, reliability, and impulse control as you stimulate your dog’s intellectual abilities. From time to time, we also offer various seminars for those interested in topics such as Therapy Dog Training, Meet and Greet, Wait Training, Crate Training, and more! Our monthly "Tune-ups" are described below.
Open Obedience Training
Open training can be a fun and stimulating course for both you and your dog. This 12-week course teaches everything our Advanced Novice course teaches, but adds jumping and retrieving. This course is designed for those who are looking for a bigger challenge with their dogs, would like to compete in the show ring, or simply want to have a deeper bond with their canine companion.
Once a month, we invite all students who have completed our training to “tune up” their skills. We meet at different parks or locations each time. These practices are always different. In the past, we have played games, introduced “Rally” moves, and taught our dogs to jump. We always incorporate class exercises with the built-in distraction of working around new dogs in a different environment. It’s a fun way to work with your dog and meet other students and dogs who have trained with us in the past.
Our graduates always enjoy our tune-ups. They never know what we'll throw into the mix, be it practicing recalls with dogs on one side and ducks on the other, or a game of tic-tac-toe with sits and downs instead of x’s and o’s! It's a great way to work around new and different distractions. Plus, we love spending time with our former AND current students!